Best Ocean View Cafes (Busan, Ulsan)

Imagine sipping on your favorite brew while gazing out at the horizon, the gentle sea breeze caressing your face. While exploring the delicacies at the coastlines of Korea, Rockher has found the finest ocean view cafes that marry the beauty of nature with the art of dessert. So sit back, relax, and enjoy these hidden gems where you can immerse yourself in the mesmerizing harmony of land and sea.


It is a cafe that stands out with a space named ‘Ocean Cinema’.
The waves seen through the glass really feel like they are showing the sea in a theater.

Even though nature is the prettiest when you see it as it is outdoors, in a space like this, you can change your mind. The view frozm indoors may look more beautiful than it actually is.

Casa Busano

Casa Busano is an espresso bar where you can have a cup of coffee while looking at the panoramic view of Gwangalli Beach in a comfortable atmosphere.

The view is great, and the espresso quality is way better.

Lemon shot, a recommended menu, is a kind of lemon juice, but it has a concentrated taste like espresso, so it seems to be a snippet for those who like a fresh taste.

Rockher / Food influencer, Wine Reviewer

Rockher is a respected voice in the Korean wine community with a sharp taste and unbiased evaluations. Interesting Korea and Rockher publish IK.Gourmet for the foreigners who wants to explore various delicacies in Korea.