2023 Seoul Palace Night Openings – Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Deoksugung,

When the night comes, the palaces shine even brighter. Seoul Palace Night Openings are exclusive events for history lovers.

1. Gyeongbokgung Palace : Starlight Tour

  • Period : 15th April – 13th May, 2023
  • Tour Schedule
    – 1st group : 18:40 – 20:30
    – 2nd group : 19:40 – 21:30
  • Tour Program : Traditional Royal Cuisine, Performance, Guide Tour, etc.
  • Ticket : 60,000KRW(less view seats 55,000KRW) CLICK to book

2. Changdeokgung Palace : Moonlight Tour

  • Period : 13th April – 4th June, 2023
  • Tour Schedule
    – 1st group : 19:20, 19:25, 19:30
    – 2nd group : 20:00, 20:05, 20:10
  • Tour Program : Taditional Art Performance, Guide Tour
  • Ticket : 30,000KRW CLICK to book

3. Deoksugung Palace : SEOKJOJEON

  • Period : 11th April – 11th May, 2023
  • Tour Schedule
    – 1st group : 18:20
    – 2nd group : 18:50
    – 3rd group : 19:25
  • Tour Program : Guide Tour, Terrace Tea Time, Musical Performance
  • Ticket : 26,000KRW CLICK to book

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