Classic But Hip” Pyeongyang Style Naengmyeon

As the popularity of Korean cuisine continues to rise, culinary enthusiasts are increasingly seeking diverse flavors of Korea. Among these, Pyeongyang Naengmyeon (cold noodles with broth) stand out as a dish that sparks varied opinions even among locals due to it’s bland taste.

Once a food of memory for North Korean refugees, this iconic dish has now captured the hearts of food hipsters who seek to fully immerse themselves in the richness of Korean gastronomy.

This culinary masterpiece, served refreshingly cold in summer and even colder in winter, epitomizes the harmonious blend of deep broth and distinctive buckwheat noodles—a true art form.

Here, we introduce three exceptional Pyeongyang Naengmyeon restaurants that elevate the dining experience to new heights, making it an integral part of Seoul’s vibrant culinary scene.

P.S. It is a great treat for hangover after a heavy drink.

Woo Lae Oak

Nestled in the heart of Seoul, Wooraeok has earned the prestigious recognition of Michelin Guide Bib Gourmand as Korea’s foremost Pyeongyang Naengmyeon destination.

With a broth exuding an exceptionally intense meaty aroma, even first-time patrons find the flavor not only palatable but also exquisite. Beyond the acclaimed cold noodles, their Hanwoo Bulgogi (Korean beef marinated and grilled) stands as a culinary gem.

While the restaurant’s spacious interior offers ample seating, a perpetual queue stretches along the storefront due to its popularity.


Eulmildae invites you to savor an unparalleled experience, where the ice-cold noodles dance in a broth that marries refreshing coolness with robust meaty undertones.

Beside the Naengmyeong, a must-try is their signature nokdujeon—a crispy delight crafted from ground mung beans, tofu, and pork, fried to perfection.

Despite its relatively modest size, the eatery consistently draws eager patrons, forming queues that attest to its enduring appeal.

Pyeongyang Myeonok

Like Wolraeok, this restaurant has earned its place in both the Michelin Guide and Bib Gourmand.

Boasting the subtly nuanced flavor characteristic of Pyeongyang Naengmyeon, it may initially strike first-timers as akin to noodles in plain water. However, for aficionados of Korean Pyongyang Naengmyeon, this is a beloved spot.

What sets it apart is the unique addition of both pork and beef toppings, providing a distinctive twist to the classic dish.

Opt for the beef pyeonyuk (boiled meat) for a profoundly savory experience, allowing you to savor the natural essence of the beef. If possible, do not miss this delectable addition to your order.

Rockher / Food influencer, Wine Reviewer

Rockher is a respected voice in the Korean wine community with a sharp taste and unbiased evaluations. Interesting Korea and Rockher publish IK.Gourmet for the foreigners who wants to explore various delicacies in Korea.