Parfait Special: For trendy dessert seekers

Parfaits are all the rage in Seoul these days.

Parfait is a dessert that is made with various ingredients on top of ice cream and has a visual that is too pretty to eat. You may think it is a slightly old-style dessert(especially if you are an european), but these days, sophisticated cafes are reinterpreting it in a modern way to provide a new experience to brand new dessert explorers.


These two cafes, located in Seongsu-dong, famous for its cafe street, have pastries that go into the parfaits made by pastry chefs.

Because each element of the parfait shows high quality, it is a pleasure to eat it by disassembling it one by one.

In particular, FINZ presents a unique taste by boldly using seasonal ingredients such as Cheongyang peppers(Korean and rhubarb, and the taste is not too strong, so it is a menu that even foreigners can try at least once.

RAMEWE‘s parfait has a relatively classic look and taste, making it more suitable for those looking for a stable dessert restaurant rather than an experimental menu.



Rafre Fruit

Above all else, this cafe puts everything into fruit.

The parfaits are made using fruits supplied from farms that only supply luxury hotels, and the quality of the fruit itself on top of the parfait is unrivaled.

Because each fruit is used after being fully ripened, the sweetness and flavor are much richer than those commonly found on the market.

Rockher / Food influencer, Wine Reviewer

Rockher is a respected voice in the Korean wine community with a sharp taste and unbiased evaluations. Interesting Korea and Rockher publish IK.Gourmet for the foreigners who wants to explore various delicacies in Korea.